OHED Bicycle Center (OBC) is one amongst other Intervention Domains of the Humanitarian Organization for Education and Development (OHED). It is a national program aimed to alleviate poverty, famine, illiteracy, diseases and community conflicts through selling retail and wholesale refurbished bicycles at an affordable price in the DR Congo.
Established in the South Kivu Province with small branches in towns and villages, OBC team members purchase Bicycles from local shops and have not yet received bicycles assistance from abroad. The resources utilized by OBC team members are from their own monthly and annual contributions. OBC started its partnering cooperation with ONE STREET-USA in 2016 and collaboration with the Arusha Bicycle Center (ABC) in 2022.
OBC team members also utilize bicycles for fighting against the insecurity created by armed groups and reducing banditry activities, women discrimination and SGBV cases in villages. They also help promote social cohesion and community economic capacities through training sessions. In general, OHED Board of Directors conducts monthly teaching programs to create awareness amongst other members and community groups as well as increase the value chains of bicycles and the positive impact they have on the Congolese people’s lives.