OHED Projects Promoting Self-Reliance

Since 2014, OHED members have been implementing self-reliance projects throughout the South Kivu Province first and then in other areas of the DR Congo. In all the projects implemented in urban and rural areas from 2014 to 2022, approximately 15,950 people of all ages benefitted from OHED efforts. OHED is now operational in 64 villages of the South Kivu and Maniema Provinces.
The goal is to enable women and young girls to generate revenues and improve their living conditions through bakery. When celebrating the Women’s International Day, OHED members normally show to the public how they have been increasing financial means through baking programs.
Trees make communities and ecosystems more resilient to climate change. Congolese people know that trees are the unsung heroes in the fight against climate change and poverty.
In the South Kivu Province, there is a particular deficiency of clean and safe water in most households, hospitals, schools, markets, dispensaries, health centers, and other community gathering locations. And this problem results in increasing diseases and related deaths among the affected local communities.
Tailoring increases self-esteem in areas where people are affected by poverty and hunger challenges. In general, OHED female dressmakers help other people enhance their body assets and hide their flaws in towns and villages.
At OHED, Village Savings and Loan Associations (VLSA) or Building Societies Programs carry out the same basic functions in collecting savings from the organization and using these savings by lending the money to individuals by way of mortgage loans in housing.
Games and Sports enhance social relationships : OHED members who are very much engaged in sports’ activities have a bonding capability ; they work as a team and this teaches them how to strengthen solidarity which is also an important parameter of community life.
It is now essential for us to provide our students with quality computer classes for preparing their future, increasing their skills and alleviating their communication and reporting problems.
Bicycles reduce poverty and boost the economy by providing inexpensive transport. Every day, bicycles are used by OHED members for alleviating poverty, hunger, illiteracy, diseases and conflicts in rural and urban areas of the DR Congo.
Most OHED trained bricklayers work in the form of teams. The team itself is supervised by a supervisor from the Board of Directors. The supervisor is often a bricklayer himself.
The program is aimed to alleviate poverty, famine, illiteracy, diseases and community conflicts through selling retail and wholesale refurbished bicycles at an affordable price in the DR Congo.
OHED volunteers are overseeing manioc, palm tree, sugar cane, pineapple, tomato, pumpkin and rice plantations throughout the rural areas
OHED programs have increased sustainably in the production chains for cassava, rice, groundnut, cashew, tomato, cabbage, watermelon, and pumpkin, which play a role in reducing poverty and famine in OHED operational zones.