We believe that every person (including woman and child) has the right to access resources and opportunities in order to live and develop with dignity and to become an active and contributing member of the world society.
In this way, OHED envisions supporting the preservation and enhancement of quality education, protection, health and homes amongst the most vulnerable community groups through sensitization of Congolese people on the respect of human rights.
Since 2007, OHED members have been conducting different programs on women economic activities and the promotion of school education to underprivileged and/or vulnerable children. Such programs are named as “OHED EDUCATION SUPPORT TO VULNERABLES”. They aim to alleviate SGBV, HIV/AIDS, poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy and diseases amongst female people. In addition, they are intended to strengthen school education to disabled children, orphans, street children, children abandoned by their families due to being accused of sorcery, demobilized children and children suffering from chronic diseases.
To promote education to vulnerable girls and boys, OHED members regularly distribute school kits as assistance in the South Kivu province of the DR Congo